Source code for sdopt.ordering.block_sparsity_pattern

from __future__ import print_function

__all__ = [ 'BlockSparsityPattern' ]

from six.moves import zip as izip
from six.moves import range as irange
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp
from . import csr_utils
from . import misc_utils as util
from ..util.assert_helpers import assertEqual, assertEqLength
from ..ordering.minimum_degree import min_degree_ordering
from ..ordering.coloring import coloring

DEBUG = True

[docs]class BlockSparsityPattern(object): @staticmethod
[docs] def createFrom(nl_file_name, show_sparsity_pattern=True): from ..parsers.ampl_parser import read_flattened_ampl return read_flattened_ampl(nl_file_name, show_sparsity_pattern)
def __init__(self, name, nrows, ncols, nzeros): = name self.nrows = nrows self.ncols = ncols self.nzeros = nzeros self.row_names = None self.col_names = None self.row_suffixes = { } # suffix name -> np.array of (index, value) self.col_suffixes = { } # suffix name -> np.array of (index, value) # Sparsity pattern of the Jacobian in the CSR format self.csr_data = np.zeros(nzeros, dtype=np.float64) self.csr_indices = np.zeros(nzeros, dtype=np.int32) self.csr_indptr = np.zeros(nrows+1, dtype=np.int32) self.csr_mat = None # View of (data, indices, indptr) as a csr_mat self.col_len = None # redundant info, can be computed from Jacobian too # These below are only needed to build the Jacobian, factor them out? self.csr_pos = int(0) # Counter needed to build the csr_mat self.dbg_prev_row= int(-1)# Check whether the J segments are ordered # The data below comes from block reconstruction self.row_permutation = None # AMPL row indices in permuted order self.col_permutation = None # AMPL col indices in permuted order self.inverse_row_perm = None # inverse of row_permutation self.inverse_col_perm = None # inverse of col_permutation # Block boundaries self.rblx = None # adjancent elements of blx give the block slices self.cblx = None # block beg end indices: zip(blx[:-1],blx[1:]) # indices in the ith block = permutation[slice(beg, end)] # block count: len(blx)-1 self.coloring = None # Graph coloring for good seeds in forward mode AD self.color_count = 0 @property
[docs] def n_blocks(self): return self.n_rblx, self.n_cblx
[docs] def n_rblx(self): return len(self.rblx)-1
[docs] def n_cblx(self): return len(self.cblx)-1 ################################################################################
def get_block_boundaries(bsp, i, j): return bsp.rblx[i], bsp.rblx[i+1], bsp.cblx[j], bsp.cblx[j+1] def itr_index_block_slice(blx): for i, beg_end in enumerate(izip(blx[:-1],blx[1:])): yield i, slice(*beg_end) ################################################################################ # partition: np.array of (index, value) pairs, where value is the block id, # i.e. partition['index'] gives the indices, partition['values'] the block ids def set_permutation_with_block_boundaries(bsp): blockid = 'blockid' if (blockid not in bsp.row_suffixes) or (blockid not in bsp.col_suffixes): make_one_big_fake_block(bsp) return row_partition = bsp.row_suffixes[blockid] col_partition = bsp.col_suffixes[blockid] bsp.row_permutation, bsp.rblx = reconstruct(row_partition) bsp.col_permutation, bsp.cblx = reconstruct(col_partition) if DEBUG: assertEqLength(bsp.rblx, bsp.cblx) # it is not necessary in the general case print('ROWS') dbg_show(row_partition, bsp.row_permutation, bsp.rblx) print('COLS') dbg_show(col_partition, bsp.col_permutation, bsp.cblx) set_min_degree_order_and_coloring(bsp) def make_one_big_fake_block(bsp): print('WARNING: No row and/or col partitions,', end='') print('the Jacobian will be treated as a single big block!') # Setting the whole matrix to be one big block bsp.rblx = np.fromiter((0, bsp.nrows), dtype=np.int32) bsp.cblx = np.fromiter((0, bsp.ncols), dtype=np.int32) # The permutation is the identity bsp.row_permutation = np.arange(bsp.nrows, dtype=np.int32) bsp.col_permutation = np.arange(bsp.ncols, dtype=np.int32) # Now we can call minimum degree set_min_degree_order_and_coloring(bsp) def reconstruct(partition): # Sorts partition in place by block ids # returns: tuple of permutation vector, block boundaries as (beg, end) tuple sort_by_block_id(partition) blx = get_blocks(partition) check_block_ids(partition, len(blx)-1) return partition['index'], blx def sort_by_block_id(partition): # in place, stable sort by block id (by 'value') np.ndarray.sort(partition, kind='mergesort', order='value') def get_blocks(partition): # This function assumes that partition has already been sorted by block id # (by 'value'). Find the block boundaries first: mask = np.ediff1d(partition['value'], to_begin=1, to_end=1) blx = np.flatnonzero(mask) # adjancent elements of blx give the block slices return blx def check_block_ids(partition, block_count): # Assumption: block_ids is already sorted, and has block_count distinct # elements. Checking if distinct block_ids == 1:block_count: block_ids = partition['value'] assertEqual(block_ids[ 0], 1) assertEqual(block_ids[-1], block_count) def dbg_show(partition, permutation, blocks): print('permutation:', permutation) print('blocks:') for i, block_slice in itr_index_block_slice(blocks): print(i, partition['value'][block_slice]) print('indices by block:') for i, block_slice in itr_index_block_slice(blocks): print(i, permutation[block_slice]) def set_min_degree_order_and_coloring(bsp): # Checking whether the blocks are in lower triangular form set_inverse_permutations(bsp) get_permuted_block_profiles(bsp) # profiles are currently ignored # Unpacking bsp m, row_p, col_p = bsp.csr_mat, bsp.row_permutation, bsp.col_permutation # Apply minimum degree ordering to each block on the diagonal (i,i) for i in irange(bsp.n_rblx): min_degree_ordering(m, row_p, col_p, *get_block_boundaries(bsp, i, i)) set_inverse_permutations(bsp) bsp.coloring, bsp.color_count = coloring( m, bsp.inverse_row_perm, bsp.inverse_col_perm ) def set_inverse_permutations(bsp): bsp.inverse_row_perm = util.invert_permutation(bsp.row_permutation) bsp.inverse_col_perm = util.invert_permutation(bsp.col_permutation) ################################################################################ # The block attributes (rblx and cblx) and the functions working on them seem to # be separated: move them into a separate class? def get_permuted_block_profiles(bsp): # The idea was to get the row and column profiles but apparently the blocks # are in lower triangular form in all the test examples, so the profiles are # currently ignored; we only check if the blocks are really in lower # triangular form blk_mat = sp.dok_matrix(bsp.n_blocks, dtype=np.int32) # Same logic as in nonzero plotting for i, j in csr_utils.itr_nonzero_indices(bsp.csr_mat): r, c = bsp.inverse_row_perm[i], bsp.inverse_col_perm[j] rblk = np.searchsorted(bsp.rblx, r, side='right') - 1 # inefficient, doesn't move within a row cblk = np.searchsorted(bsp.cblx, c, side='right') - 1 key = (rblk,cblk) #print('i=%d j=%d r=%d c=%d rb=%d cb=%d' % (i,j,r,c,rblk,cblk)) blk_mat[key] = blk_mat.get(key) + 1 print('Block pattern:\n%s' % blk_mat.todense()) rprof = get_row_profile(blk_mat) cprof = get_col_profile(blk_mat) return rprof, cprof def get_row_profile(blk_mat): col_major = blk_mat.tocsc() col_major.sort_indices() rprof = util.indices_of_first_nonzeros(col_major) assert_in_lower_triangular_form(rprof, 'row') return rprof def get_col_profile(blk_mat): row_major = blk_mat.tocsr() row_major.sort_indices() cprof = util.indices_of_last_nonzeros(row_major) assert_in_lower_triangular_form(cprof, 'col') return cprof def assert_in_lower_triangular_form(prof, row_or_col): diff = np.ediff1d(prof) assert np.all(diff == 1) and (prof[0]==0), \ '%s block profile not in lower triangular form:\n%s' % (row_or_col, prof)